You may remember the Campbell family from this session a few years back! Or this fun life style session in Sherry’s kitchen. Well these lovely people graced my camera once again!

Sometimes in life you get really blessed with family friends where everything just falls into place; you share the same goals, values, and interests. Rob & Sherry are those friends to us. We shared only a few short years in the same town before they moved away. We’ve missed them tremendously. What a treat to have them visit and spend an evening in our home and back yard. As you will see in the images; we are still thawing after a record breaking long winter! But were blessed with a warm day for pictures!

A campfire, hot cocoa, and roasting marshmallows is one of my most sought after themed family sessions. And of course, I am more then happy to set it up every time. It always creates a super fun and warm atmosphere where the kids relax, laugh, and play. This evening was no exception!

Sherry brought some cookie dough to throw in the oven when they arrived. Mark whipped up a few lattes and hot cocoas while I gathered a pile of quilts to keep everyone cozy!

These siblings are the sweetest. So much love and laughter!

Sherry had posted a picture the week before saying how much she loves her early morning dates with her man. Every morning he makes her coffee and they savour it before the children wake up. So I knew we had to incorporate coffee into the session!

Thank you Rob, Sherry, Ty and Dana for creating so much warmth for me to capture! You were so refreshing after a long cold winter. Please come visit again soon!

PS, we’ll have perfected our lattes next time you visit!
