Hello. My name is Rosie.

I take pictures. Lots.

We just came back from spending the long weekend at our little cabin in the woods! A little history on how this cabin came to be; my mom & dad own a large property in the beautiful rolling hills of southwestern Manitoba. Every spare weekend and week day in the last number of years they have spent at this property. Dreaming, grooming, making trails, clearing spaces for cabins, mowing etc. This is a piece of their heart. They do this all with the family in view! A place for the family to come together, unwind from the grind of daily life and just enjoy and cherish the time spent as a family. My mom’s dream is to one day gift each of her children with a cabin. A little place to call our own, to decorate and make a home in the woods. So each summer a few more cabins will be built and placed on the property. We were blessed with ours last summer. It’s just the shell of a cabin. Which is what I love. It’s like a clean slate to do with whatever we desire! We had many plans for this summer to start working on the inside. But alas, when my mom suffered from her aneurysm 6 weeks ago our world turned upside down and we never made it back to the cabin. So finally this weekend we hauled some of my collected items to our cabin in the woods and I tried my best to create a cozy space to crash for naps, down time, and sleeping. I love the space! We have a long ways to go, slowly but surely my visions for it will come to life. Imagine white washed plank walls, barn wood floor, big screened porch, loft… just to give you a tiny vision of what’s to come!

Come on in! Brush the mud off your boots on my pallet steps cause it’s been a muddy weekend!

Candles are snuffed… until next time!
