In August during our whirlwind road trip, we met up with the Prouty family in Montana! I love Montana, I’d move to Whitefish if I could.

Joy graciously agreed to do a quick family session with us! The conditions were far from ideal; hot, mid day sun, grumpy boys, and a tight schedule. But I love these! It captured us as a family in that moment!

We corralled our boys on the banks of a beautiful creek. Crystal clear water that reminded me of my childhood in Costa Rica, except the water was freezing! It was a challenge keeping everyone dry and mud free for atleast a few pictures.

The above picture is one of my favs. Such handsome boys, don’t you think? hehe

I also love the pictures of Mark & I. After 12 years of marriage it was time to get some pictures of just the two of us!

Thank you Joy!

Check out her beautiful work here –> Wildflowers Photography