In August during our whirlwind road trip, we met up with the Prouty family in Montana! I love Montana, I’d move to Whitefish if I could.
Joy graciously agreed to do a quick family session with us! The conditions were far from ideal; hot, mid day sun, grumpy boys, and a tight schedule. But I love these! It captured us as a family in that moment!
We corralled our boys on the banks of a beautiful creek. Crystal clear water that reminded me of my childhood in Costa Rica, except the water was freezing! It was a challenge keeping everyone dry and mud free for atleast a few pictures.
The above picture is one of my favs. Such handsome boys, don’t you think? hehe
I also love the pictures of Mark & I. After 12 years of marriage it was time to get some pictures of just the two of us!
Thank you Joy!
Check out her beautiful work here –> Wildflowers Photography
Love every last one. They are so beautiful. You all are such a sweet, sweet family! xo
I so much love the beautiful lush creaminess of your photos.
Hi Sarah, thank you. These however are not my images. Taken by Joy Prouty 🙂
Rosie, these are all so beautiful! What a collection of treasured images these will be!
Beautiful family and beautiful pictures! The boys look so grown up!
These are so stunning Rosie! Your family is beautiful!
so so so amazing! Love them all!!! Joy is amazing and you have a beautiful family!
These are so simply beautiful! Looks like a really fun summer day 🙂
So lovely…gorgeous location, happy family, and with a favorite photographer!
Rosie these are beautiful !! You have such a gorgeous family. You look incredible !! There is so much happiness. Loved every single shot 🙂
I’am just addicted to site; I can’t stop watching your pics overe and over – they beautiful; remind me pastel-colored macaroons!
so sweet…