Say hello to Racheal from lucky girl photography and her beautiful family! Lucky girl wedding photography is made up of 2 lucky gals, Racheal and Mairen and 1 lucky guy; Racheal’s husband Brian! I’m always completely flattered and slightly intimidated when a fellow photographer contacts me to take their pictures, especially family pictures!! But it was an absolute delight to meet Racheal & Brian and their children! They drove out one day in August and we couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful summer evening! (as most evenings were this summer).

Here are their family portraits!

After playing with the kids and getting them relaxed in front of the camera we headed to a nearby field!

On a side note; I loved how Racheal arrived with a laundry basket full of clothes for me to pick the kid’s outfits from! I love her attention to detail from the ruffle cardigan down to the hair pieces and bow tie!

Don’t you just love how baby decided to take a little cat nap amidst the chaos of family pictures? What a precious boy!

So so sweet…

Thank you Racheal! Looking forward to our family dinner date in November!

Make sure you check out their work here!