Horses & bougainvillea; two of my loves.

I went to visit my cousin’s farm to see the horses, then got distracted by my aunt doing laundry in the porch!

And then in turn got distracted by her blue shelving and beautiful potted plants! Porch goals, am I right??

How many times am I allowed to post the same scene with slightly different crops and focal points? HA!

I’m envisioning some blue shelves and potted plants in my porch in the near future. Thanks to my sweet aunt for allowing me to take pictures despite her sincere apologies for the mess and slightly drooping plants. It couldn’t have been more perfect and picturesque in my opinion!

On a technical note, since I started shooting film I’m constantly struggling to make my digital images look film-ish! Yep the struggle is real. Most of the above images shot with my Contax 645 and fujifilm PRO 400H! Image no. 3 and then the last one are digital, shot with my Canon 6D and 35mm f1.4 lens!

