Another favorite thing for me this week was my 8 yo nephew Dawson’s drawings! I am constantly blown away by the detail and humour he puts into his art! My sister posted this drawing last night and as I was viewing it on my iPhone in bed I could not stop laughing! His older sister titled it as “Heading for Disaster”. The contraption they are riding he calls the thingamijigger! The next Dr. Seuss maybe?? There is just so much going on here! And the detail; springs on seats, chain on thingamijigger, hat in mid air, sleeping daydreaming backseat driver, decorative art on steering wheel, horn, rock…!
Today he drew the sequel to this drawing! Much to my surprise, disaster was avoided! Phew!
The farmer character appears out of no where and heaves the rock out of harm’s way! But the poor backseat dude has lost his tooth and is angrily yelling at the driver to stop so he can put his tooth back in! Dawson has informed his mom tomorrow he’ll do the version where they do hit the rock! Can’t wait to see!
Here are a few more that I wanted to share with you.
This first one makes me chuckle every time I see it!
And this; I would love to hear the story behind this one!
I hope you enjoyed my Favorite Things Friday post!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for sharing these, Rosie! I will show this post to him in the morning!
those are amazing drawings! i love the detail. the farmer throwing the rock is my favorite. they are so very creative. also love your tumblr. so very very pretty.