About me… 02.20.2022

I like the smell of earth, the touch of waves, the taste of berries, the sight of trees wrapped in fog, the sound of laughter, and the feeling of being fully alive.


I hope there are days… 02.03.2022

"I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic, your playlist makes you dance, strangers make you smile, and the night sky touches your soul. I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive..." - [...]


…love a little deeper – 12.09.2021

"Some of us just aren't made for how hard the edges are here, for how slow pain moves, or how lost light can get. and how heavy it can weigh... we're surely not made for how flawed humans love. but while [...]


Happy Place – 12.01.2021

I've been to the lake in all the seasons for many years now. But truly nothing more magic than a snow day; walking the forest trails and soaking in the hot tub with giant snowflakes drifting down all around. Sigh... Definitely [...]



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